
About Me

Hi! I'm Kimber (well, actually, it is Kimberly... or Kim... or Hey You!). If you are reading this, then you have found my blog. Welcome.

I decided to start this blog in order to share some of my favorite ideas, activities and things. As a new mom to an amazing baby girl, I love learning about new products to make my life easier. But this will not be your typical mom-blog. I am a working mother, lover of fashion and beauty products, fitness fanatic (ok, well maybe fanatic isn't quite accurate these days) and organizational freak. I also love finding new ways to save money and am an aspiring crafter (aspiring being the key word here people). Most importantly, I love cooking and baking, trying new recipes and attempting to create healthy alternatives to my family's favorite foods. So basically, I'm obsessed with a little bit of everything :)

Join me on my journey to share my life and experiences with you, and hopefully you will find a few new things to add to your own list of favorite things.